Month: March 2008

  • cravings

    i need to stop watching Lost because
    1) i inevitably get pissed off and start yelling at the TV at the end of each episode, and
    2) seeing him

    makes me crave

    (gotta be the red packet original seasame flavor!)

    at lunch today my friends decided to indulge my cravings and we trekked 20 mins to a dodgy 荼餐廳 that served delish instant noodles but alas! it was closed for rennovations.  in the end i had to settle for dumplings . v unsatisfying, must try again tomorrow.

  • woah, i was away for a couple of months and xanga is looking all fancy schmancy.  it took me 2 mins to figure out where to post a new entry!

    anyway, i got this from facebook today.  seriously – why would you (application engineers) write this into your program to send subscribers?  is this meant to make me use your app more??

    Stella, you are more desired than less than 20% of all people.

    This email was sent by Social Profile. You can disable emails here.

    In total, you were reviewed for dating 6 times and no people expressed interest in you.
    You are more desirable than less than 20% of 23,317,797 people.

    Last week you were viewed 1 time and no people expressed interested in you

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